Launch of Dairy Position Paper

Date: May 29, 2020

Location: Utrecht, Netherlands

Posted by Guest

[email protected]

Wim Goris

Themes: Sustainability, Economic Development, Livelihoods, Nutrition

Hits: 943

We have the pleasure of sharing with you the position paper “Dairy for nutrition, employment and sustainability - An action agenda for the Dutch contribution to dairy development in Africa and Asia’. It will be published ahead of World Milk day which is on June 1. The online launch meeting is held May 29, 10.00-11.00 am (Dutch time) Programme Introduction to the paper by the lead editor Karin Andeweg, Wageningen University and Research Stakeholder reflections on the action agenda

++ What are key points in this action agenda?

++ What is needed to make this action agenda work?

A poll with attendees

++ What are your action priorities?

++ How is covid19 affecting your dairy activities?

The Netherlands Food Partnership and its support to dairy coalitions at work.