IDF's Raise a (Virtual) Glass to World Milk Day 2020 - 20th Anniversary Celebration

From June 01, 2020 14:00 until June 01, 2020 15:00

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Posted by Guest

[email protected]

Nicola Gough

Themes: Sustainability, Economic Development, Livelihoods, Nutrition

Hits: 3382

The International Dairy Federation (IDF) will host a virtual ‘raise a glass’ event on 1 June! The event will include a very short introduction by IDF President Dr Judith Bryans to celebrate World Milk Day’s 20th anniversary, and then IDF experts from around the globe will toast to World Milk Day (with a glass of milk of course) IDF’s ‘Raise a (virtual) glass to World Milk Day 2020’, will be held at 14.00 CET on 1 June.