From May 29, 2020 10:00 until June 03, 2020 23:59
Location: Paris, France
Posted by Guest
Adrien Dinh
Themes: Sustainability, Economic Development, Livelihoods, Nutrition
Hits: 2304
Regarding the quarantine time that we have all faced across the country, we are making a short film that will highlight how dairy products have been present in our daily life. The video highlights the creative momentum of consumers over the past two months. Different scenes are produced around the dairy products, as if they had been filmed during quarantine time. Members of households are staged in authentic scenes which could have been viral, for example: A couple is bowling in their living room and the pins are bottles of milk. It is by encouraging all consumers to continue to be creative in their lives that the parallel is drawn with the idea of continuing to consume. By also reminding them that behind these moments of conviviality, hide the men and women of the dairy industry. The signature of this video will be “More than ever, dairy products have inspired you. Thank you to keep supporting us, let's write the future together ”. The hashtag that will be use will be different regarding the platform and the target #JournéeMondialeDuLait #FranceTerreDeLait