Date: June 01, 2020
Location: Alto, MI 49302, USA
Posted by Guest
Anna Link
Themes: Sustainability, Economic Development, Livelihoods, Nutrition
Hits: 1507
Dairy Discovery will be celebrating World Milk Day, Monday, June 1st with an unprecedented event: a 24-hour livestream event on the Dairy Discovery Facebook page ( The World Milk Day Live-Streaming Telethon is a new-age telethon. The telethon starts at 12:00 AM (EST) on June 1st and will end at midnight. Every hour will be filled with a featured dairy product, entertainment and activities, educational stations around the farm and an “Interview with an Expert” which includes people from the Netherlands and UK, Oregon, Minnesota, Wisconsin and more. Dairy Discovery hopes to raise $16,000 from this event which will be used to support programming as well as fill the budget gap that was created from cancelled field trips and community outings due to COVID-19. Event details are available online at: