
From May 20, 2024 00:00 until June 02, 2024 00:00

Location: Lagos, Nigeria

Posted by Guest

Dano Milk Nigeria


Themes: Quality Milk

Hits: 582

In the face of lesser quality and sub-par competitors like creamers and tea whiteners, our World Milk Day campaign #NothingLikeMilk celebrates the unique and irreplaceable qualities of milk as THE household staple.

We are saying, even though it is often imitated, it is second to none and can never be replaced.

Reason to believe?
Milk has nourishment that can never be gotten from creamers.
There’s nothing like the taste that milk brings to your meals.
The nutritional essence of milk gives you the strength to go for it.

Our goal with this direction is to drive home the significance of milk and emphasize its nutritional benefits over creamers, honouring milk as the ultimate source for growth and quality nutrition.