Celebrate #WorldMilkDay!
Host a campaign to share why you love all things dairy! World Milk Day campaigns can take the shape of any activity organized by anyone in the world. The basic criteria is that it celebrate the contributions of the dairy sector to nutrition, animal care, sustainability, and livelihoods. Registered campaigns will be featured in the final report and amplified through our social channels. For additional requirements, be sure to check the FAQ.
Please make sure to use #WorldMilkDay when sharing your campaigns on social media!
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Milk, a Strategic Product for Achieving Food Sovereignty in Niger
The National Association of Interprofessional Milk Federation in Niger (ANFILAIT) leads initiatives to promote milk in Niger and join forces with other associations and NGOs to celebrate World Milk Day.
The celebration will take place in Niamey, Niger, on Saturday, June 1, 2024, at the Mahatma Gandhi International Conference Center. The day calls for an inclusive and participatory approach from all stakeholders in the Niger milk sector.
To achieve this, a small organizing committee comprising members of ANFILAIT and key players in the milk sector has been established. The main missions of this committee are to prepare and organize the festivities for World Milk Day (WMD 2024). These include:
- Identifying key advocacy messages, necessary resource persons, and developing an agenda for the celebration.
- Implementing a communication strategy to effectively campaign for World Milk Day.
- Providing exhibition stands for tasting and selling dairy products.
- Producing and distributing an infomercial on local milk in Niger through media and social networks.
- Hosting a conference-debate on the theme: “Milk, a Strategic Product for Achieving Food Sovereignty in Niger.”
The event will be followed by an information and awareness caravan to spread educational messages to the public on the role of local dairy products in nutrition. The committee will identify key advocacy messages, necessary resource persons, and develop an agenda for the celebration.
Local milk advocacy kits consisting of dairy product tasting products will be prepared and given to host visitors and partners.
Registration Details
All campaigns will be reviewed prior to appearing on the site. After submitting your campaign, please allow for 48 hours before it will appear.
Location: Type in your city and select from the list of available options. If none exist, or none are relevant, add a new location using the format City, Country.