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French #MilkPongChallenge

From May 01, 2021 01:26 until June 06, 2021 03:26
Location: Paris, France
Posted by Guest
Dominique Poisson
Themes: None
Hits: 1448

For the World Milk Day, Cniel, the French interbranch organisation has created a challenge, the #MilkPongChallenge. The idea is that the players try to put a ping pong ball on the top of a milk bottle in only one rebound. The #MilkPongChallenge was launched on TikTok beginning of May 2021. Our strategy is that the challenge progressively takes off in May, to extend and finish in apotheosis, through a video produced by influencers on the 1st of June, for the WMD, then broadcasted on 6th June 2021. To date, the #MilkPongChallenge already gãined 15 millions views, with hundred of thousands participants 

Watch how it works: