From May 31, 2022 00:00 until June 01, 2022 10:42
Location: New Delhi, India
Posted by Guest
NDDB Dairy Services
Themes: Sustainability, Economic Development, Livelihoods, Quality Milk
Hits: 1008
NDDB Dairy Services (NDS) is a not for profit Company registered under the Companies Act, is a wholly owned subsidiary of the National Dairy Development Board (NDDB). It functions as a delivery arm of the NDDB for field operations relating to promoting Producer Companies and Productivity Services and is providing technical and management services to the Producer Companies. NDS is assisting farmers in establishing Producer Companies which are producer owned enterprises incorporated under provisions of Part IX A of the Companies Act but run on principles of mutual assistance and managed by competent professionals. NDS has already facilitated the formation of 19 Milk Producer Companies till date in Rajasthan, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh states covering more than 100 districts of India. We have mobilized more than 7 lakh milk producer to form or join a milk producer company which they have full ownership of as members are 100% share holders of the company. Out of 7 lakh, roughly 70% are women milk producers and almost the same contribution is from small holder (having 3 or less milch animals) ensuring gender equality and uplifting socioeconomic status of rural masses. Producer companies are owned by farmers but run by professionals drawn from the cooperatives, private and developmental sectors. Here on this World Milk Day, professionals working at various milk producers companies from across the country have come together to reiterate the pledge to stay committed to the objectives of organizations i.e. - To provide quality milk and milk products to consumers while sourcing milk even from the remotest corner of our country. - To provide a competitive price to farmer members through a fair and transparent process of milk collection and making payments in their respective bank accounts. - To increase milk productivity through breed improvement programs and better animal management practices