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France, Land of Milk. Feeding people today and in the future

From June 01, 2022 14:04 until June 30, 2022 16:04
Themes: Sustainability
Hits: 3068

On the occasion of the WMD 2022, the French Dairy sector celebrates women and men who produce milk. Dairy farmers, companies, cooperatives, retailers, cheese suppliers, food services are more than ever collectively committed to ensure food sovereignty and provide every day products that are good, safe, sustainable and affordable. The dairy sector is being challenged on economy, environment and society. Through the approach ‘France, Land of Milk’, the French dairy sector strongly reiterates its commitment to feed people today and in the future in a sustainable, responsible and innovative way.

This campaign includes a set of activities: - Print in national and regional daily newspaper – Videos social on Twitter and LinkedIn - Display and banners in regional daily websites - e-conference on 1st of June on the innovation in the dairy sector, on the attractiveness of jobs and careers in agriculture and dairy farms in partnership with a national newspaper, a radio station, podcasts broadcasted in a website specialized in sustainability, web videos and podcasts on the website