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Milk is love #EnjoyDairy

From May 31, 2022 01:38 until September 01, 2022 03:38
Location: Yerevan, Armenia
Posted by Guest
"Yeremyan Projects" company and SPRING PR-company
Themes: Quality Milk
Hits: 643

Highlighting the importance of the initiative undertaken by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, SPRING PR-company and "Yeremyan Projects" company joined the "Enjoy Dairy" campaign dedicated to the World Milk Day, 2022 by organizing a thematic press conference-discussion.

During the press conference, the speakers will touch upon topics such as the role of cooperation mechanisms between STATE-BUSINESS-INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION in promoting quality milk and dairy products production, as well as on the importance of ensuring food security, strengthening the capacity of producers and farms, and increasing the potential profitability of agriculture as well as topics related to the areas of possible involvement of all interested parties for the stable development of the sector.

The speakers invited to the press conference-discussion are: Private Sector:“Yeremyan Projects” company State:RA Ministry of Economy, Food safety inspection body International organizations: UN WFP Armenia Office NGO: "Strategic Development Agency (NDA) NGO.

The event will be attended by industry experts and media representatives. During the press conference, the company will launch the "Milk is Love" campaign, within the framework of which public awareness events, photo projects, creation and broadcasting of informative videos, as well as organization of tours to get acquainted with the process of milk production are planned.

The press conference discussion will take place on May 31, on the eve of World Milk Day.

Starting in 2019, "Yeremyan Projects" company launched and implements a new business development strategy in Armenia, based on the concept "From seed to table", ensuring a complete enclosed food cycle. Within the framework of this concept, "Yeremyan Projects" has built a pedigree cattle farm in Vayots Dzor province in accordance with European standards, equipped with modern technologies and equipment. The company has imported and now breeds large cattle with high breed genetics of purebred Fleckvieh, Holstein, Jersey and Angus pedigree. One of the guarantees of high-quality milk is the correct fodder of the animals, for which purpose "Yeremyan Projects" established a fodder chopper. The seeds are sown on the company's lands, and then, with the help of a mixer fodder, they get the optimal feed of fresh grass, together with fresh and juicy lucerne with high nutrition that can be found the mountains of Armenia and in the alpine meadows. The company has a laboratory where the quality control of dairy products is carried out. In May 2020, under the state of emergency caused by the coronavirus pandemic in the country, "Yeremyan Projects" launched the dairy products for the retail consumer market. Today, under the "Yeremyan Products" brand, a wide range of dairy products is presented: milk, cheeses, butter, cottage cheese, sour cream, plain yogurt, Rezhan cream, fruit drinking yoghurts.