Celebrate #WorldMilkDay!

Host a campaign to share why you love all things dairy! World Milk Day campaigns can take the shape of any activity organized by anyone in the world. The basic criteria is that it celebrate the contributions of the dairy sector to nutrition, animal care, sustainability, and livelihoods. Registered campaigns will be featured in the final report and amplified through our social channels. For additional requirements, be sure to check the FAQ.

Please make sure to use #WorldMilkDay when sharing your campaigns on social media!

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If you are having difficulties registering, or if you would like to make edits on a campaign that you have already registered, please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


  • Date: June 01, 2023 00:00
    Location: United Kingdom

    Dairy Data Warehouse uses data to create a more sustainable dairy industry. The product we are advertising in this campaign is called Predicta GUARDIAN and it is targeting the Dairy farmer. Data collected on farm and previous data from thousands of cows throughout the years is analysed by artificial intelligence and we can predict which individual cows will get sick with transition diseases (happens after cows give birth). Vets and farmers can thus treat an animal before the disease happens resulting in happier healthier cows which will produce a higher milk yield. Having cows reach their full genetic potential makes the process more sustainable.

    Contact: DDW (dairydatawarehouse.com)


    DDW dairydatawarehouse.com

  • Date: June 01, 2023 00:00
  • CODARAN is collaborating with partners Abuja Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) to host a conference of stakeholders in Nigeria's dairy industry that will be held on June 1 to mark World Milk Day.

  • Date: May 31, 2023 00:00
    Location: Aguascalientes, Mexico

    Dairy Summit is an event that aims to promote and support the dairy industry in Mexico and Latin America. It is organized by INCALEC (Institute of Meat and Milk of Mexico), a non-profit organization that provides technical assistance, training and research to the dairy sector. Dairy Summit works together with the USDEC (U.S. Dairy Export Council), a trade association that represents the interests of U.S. dairy producers and processors in the global market, and Canilec (National Chamber of the Dairy Industry), a business organization that represents the Mexican dairy industry.

    Dairy Summit is part of the campaign of Milk World Day, which is celebrated on June 1st every year. The campaign aims to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits and economic importance of milk and dairy products. The campaign will include articles, recipes and opinions about the relevance of the dairy sector in society, as well as promotional videos for everything. Dairy Summit will also showcase the latest innovations, trends and opportunities in the dairy industry, as well as foster collaboration and exchange among stakeholders.

    Dairy Summit is a great opportunity to learn more about the dairy industry and celebrate Milk World Day with experts, professionals and enthusiasts from Mexico and Latin America.

  • From June 01, 2022 10:00 until June 01, 2022 15:00
    Location: Ibadan, Nigeria

    Real People Concept is commemorating this year’s World Milk day by organizing a workshop to draw attention to the need to mobilize support, attract and engage young people in sustainable milk production in Nigeria with the Theme “Empowering youth for sustainable dairy production in Nigeria”

    The sub-themes include:

    • Nigeria youth exploring innovative business models in the dairy value chain
    • Nigeria Dairy value chain start-up strategies
  • Date: December 01, 2021 00:00
    Location: Kibaha, Tanzania

    Kibaha it is a region which is near Dar es salaam

  • From June 01, 2021 15:00 until June 01, 2021 16:00
    Location: Gurugram, Haryana, India

    CEDSI is hosting a panel Discussion on " Guiding Principles to bring sustainability & Growth in Dairy Industry." on Tuesday 1st June, 2021. The aim of this Panel Discussion is to highlight opportunities and initiatives to bring sustainability & growth of dairy Industry on the path laid down by Dr Kurien. We also need to understand measures for environmental protection, strategies to enhance productivity, establish efficient logistics & supply chain, opportunities for Innovation in value added Products as per emerging needs of consumer, Innovative marketing systems approaches, and capacity building. To deliberate on these aspects, we wish to hear from eminent dairy personalities from Dairy corporates, institutes and development partners working in the dairy sector through a panel discussion on World Milk Day at 1st June 21. This interactive Discussion will give an opportunity to hear from the industry leaders the new dynamics of Dairy industry. The particulars and login details are furnished below- Date- 1st June 2021 (Tuesday) Time- 03:00 pm to 04.00 pm (Kindly Login early to avoid technical error) To Join https://bit.ly/3oZpPkO Meeting ID: 980 5450 6553 Passcode: CEDSI

  • From June 01, 2021 11:00 until June 01, 2021 13:10
    Location: Anand, Gujarat, India

    Verghese Kurien Centre of Excellence, Institute of Rural Management Anand and Indian Dairy Association Gujarat State chapter organized webinar to discuss about measures that can be taken to reduce the carbon footprint of the dairy industry. Shri Amit Vyas, Managing Director of Amul Dairy will share work done by Amul to reduce environmental effects of dairy while Dr RS Sodhi, MD Amul and Shri Meenesh Shah, ED, NDDB will share their views.

  • From June 01, 2021 09:18 until June 01, 2021 16:18
    Location: Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, India

    Stray cows should be taken care of.

  • From June 01, 2021 00:01 until June 01, 2021 18:00
    Location: Abuja, Nigeria

    Conference of Nigerian Dairy Sector's Stakeholders to celebrate the contributions of the dairy sector to economic development and livelihoods and chart a course for sustainable development in the sector. The theme is: "Strengthening the Local Dairy Sector in Nigeria: Addressing the Pain-Points for Sustainable Impact."

  • Date: June 01, 2021 00:00
    Location: Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
  • Date: June 01, 2021 00:00
    Location: Dublin, Ireland

    The aim of this Webinar is to highlight opportunities and initiatives for the development of sustainable dairy farm systems in East Africa, and how improvements in farm systems, breeding, nutrition and market systems approaches for the dairy sector can play a role in increasing productivity, resilience and farm family incomes. Focusing on Kenya and Tanzania, we will hear from research institutes and development partners working in the dairy sector to discuss the key issues and opportunities for Dairy farm systems in East Africa. Chaired by David Butler (SFSI), speakers will include Amos Omore, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Tanzania, Neema Mrema, Land O’Lakes Venture37, Tanzania and David Mbugua, Kenya Agriculture and Livestock Research Organisation (KALRO), Kenya. Hosted by Sustainable Food System’s Ireland (SFSI) and the Irish Forum for International Agricultural Development (IFIAD). Register here https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/dairying-in-east-africa-tickets-154816523389

  • Date: June 01, 2021 00:00

    I am Lekhanath Sapkota, Founder, President & CEO/Global Director at Lekhanath Dairy International Nepal. We are a Dairy organization registered with government of Nepal and working on Dairy Development (Training, Research & Development). We have more planned for dairy projects. We are looking for business partners (can be from around world) to invest into our dairy company. Please contact us via the address: [email protected] 

  • Date: June 01, 2021 00:00

    24h LIVE – der Milchmarathon (Wo kommt unsere Milch her und was sind die Alternativen?) Am 1. Juni ist Weltmilchtag. Dieser wurde von der Ernährungs- und Landwirtschaftsorganisation der Vereinten Nationen und dem Internationalen Milchwirtschaftsverband initiiert. Das Forum Moderne Landwirtschaft (FML) möchte diesen Anlass aufgreifen und will Milch als natürliches und gesundes Produkt aus der modernen Landwirtschaft zeigen. Gemeinsam mit 5 deutschen Partner-Initiativen aus dem Milchsektor wird der Tag genutzt, um die Wertschöpfungskette Milch verbrauchernah und transparent darzustellen. Unser Ziel: Das Produkt Milch wird vielseitig diskutiert, sei es beim Thema Tierwohl und den Haltungsbedingungen oder den Inhaltsstoffen und Preisen. Aber auch Milchalternativen aus Hafer, Soja und Co. werden immer stärker in den Fokus gerückt. Der Tag soll daher Medien und Verbraucher auf das Thema aufmerksam machen, Berichterstattungen und Diskussionen generieren und Landwirtschaft und Verbraucher beim Thema Milch wieder näher zusammenbringen. Wichtig ist uns dabei auch der verbrauchernahe Dialog und die Beantwortung auch von kritischen Fragen.

  • Date: June 01, 2021 00:00

    International Dairy Federation - Celebrating dairy’s vital role in global food systems On 1 June, World Milk Day will celebrate dairy’s vital role in global food systems, providing economic, nutritional, and social benefits to a large proportion of the world’s population. The International Dairy Federation and its members will join together on 1 June at a virtual meeting of its global National Committees (43 countries in total) to recognize the importance of milk as a global food, and to celebrate the dairy sector. Visit the website www.fil-idf.org for more information on the work the International Dairy Federation does to support the global dairy sector. Happy World Milk Day from the International Dairy Federation!

  • From June 01, 2021 00:00 until June 30, 2021 23:59
    Location: Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

    Bright Cow has been supplying Malaysian with the freshest dairy products for years and striving to improve our quality for the years to come. One of the major determinants of food intake is the taste of foods. Food and beverages consumed need to be perceived as appealing and not just as filling as the taste quality is critical. Foods that satisfy the consumer taste bud may contribute to a sense of satiety. We strongly believe that good food should equally have a good taste.

  • From June 01, 2021 00:00 until June 30, 2021 09:34
    Location: Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines

    The World Milk Day campaign is an annual program of Robinsons Supermarket that aims to celebrate the goodness of milk and the stories of people, communities, and brands who produce it. This coming June, we would like to invite you to participate in our month-long campaign that gives importance to the benefits of milk and milk products. With purchase of select participating milk products, a donation will be made to the Wellness Moms program of Robinsons Supermarket and the Ateneo Center for Educational Development (ACED). Wellness Moms (CSR program) aims to support 100 young moms and their babies for 1000 days during the “Golden Window” of a child’s development. The program includes nutritional, psychological and emotional developmental support for 1000 days. Robinsons Supermarket, alongside ACED, is driven to support this cause through the execution of this year’s Wellness Moms campaign. Please see below fast facts regarding about the promo: DURATION June 1 to 30, 2021 PROMO MECHANICS For every Php250 worth of participating items, you donate Php10.00 to the Wellness Moms program of Robinsons Supermarket and Ateneo Center for Educational Development (ACED).

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