Thank you for celebrating #WorldMilkDay! You can host a campaign (such as a TikTok challenge, Twitter chat, photo contest, videos from a dairy farm, recipe contest, boomerang videos, Snapchat filters, Facebook/Instagram live, influencer campaigns, or song contests) or just join the conversation on social media using #WorldMilkDay & #EnjoyDairy. 

Any activity counts as a campaign, just make sure to register so that you are included in the celebrations.

Register Your Campaign

NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets Celebrates World Milk Day

Date: May 31, 2022
Location: Albany, NY, USA
Posted by Guest
Jade Kraft
Hits: 835

New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets celebrates World Milk Day by highlighting the work of our Milk Control and Dairy Services team to protect public health and promote the agricultural economic development of the dairy industry.